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Cash Vans
Banks always seems under 2 threats –
1. Maintain goodwill in the market along with huge & secure public cash
2. Safety of cash van from robbery.
Scenario has changed now; we come-up with one product & multiple-solution (BLACKBOX) for all the threats. By Installing BLACKBOX in Cash Van bank authorities ensure the whole control in their hands. Through the feature route play back, bank can have a look on the route followed by cash van. Panic Button of BlackBox sends alerts to Bank at the time of emergency.

1. Maintain goodwill in the market along with huge & secure public cash
2. Safety of cash van from robbery.
Scenario has changed now; we come-up with one product & multiple-solution (BLACKBOX) for all the threats. By Installing BLACKBOX in Cash Van bank authorities ensure the whole control in their hands. Through the feature route play back, bank can have a look on the route followed by cash van. Panic Button of BlackBox sends alerts to Bank at the time of emergency.