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The Benefits of Blackbox
Why use GPS Tracking system
Growth in Business
Services and Studies have shown that installation of Blackbox in Vehicles translates into Profit.
Real-time Tracking
Watch your vehicle moving in real-time on the map, the route being followed, the distance covered and at what speed. Data updating at intervals ranging from 12~40 seconds and upwards up to any period.
Live Location
It gives Real Time location of your vehicle any time, any where on your desktop/mobile whenever you require at the click of the button.
Live speed alerts and Over speed alerts can be generated of the vehicle.
Distance traveled by the vehicle.
Stoppages en-route and its duration
ON/OFF status of the air-conditioner & we can also generate reports.
Ignition Status
ON/OFF status of ignition.
Alert you whenever vehicle goes outside the prescribed area.
Fuel sensor
Keep check on the wastage and consumption of Fuel
Beep alert
Alerts for driver whenever he goes beyond the speed limit.
SMS Feature
SMS alerts can be generated for all features on owners mobile
Vehicle Immobilizer
In case of theft you can switch off the engine of your car from your computer/mobile and the car will stop in 3 options related to time delays (as desired by customer) and will not start. An alert will be generated about the location of the car.
Voice Two way communication
Vehicle owners can talk to the driver using the 'two-way voice communication' facility eliminating the requirement of a mobile phone with the driver.
GPS Status
It indicates whether the device is receiving data from the GPS satellites or not.
GSM Status
Receives GMS signal from the network.
Over Speeding Report
Report date, time, location, speed each time the maximum speed limit was exceeded.
Over Stoppage Report
Report date, time, location, speed each time the Vehicle stops
Battery Backup
12-14 Hour battery back up
Root play back
Vehicle movement of past period is available both for viewing on map as in live display and reports. Standard backup is 3 months and extended backup is available on payment basis.
Distance Calculator
Distance can be calculated in Km/s between the two places by just clicking on the map without sending your vehicle on that route.
Reminders can be set of particular vehicle like insurance, servicing, renewal of driving license, warranty etc.
Anti Theft Mode
in case of vehicle movement sms alert would be generated.
- Real-time Tracking
- Location
- Speed
- Distance
- Stoppages
- Air-Conditioning
- Ignition Status
- Geofencing
- Fuel sensor
- Beep alert
- SMS Feature
- Vehicle Immobilizer
- Voice Two way communication
- GPS Status
- GSM Status
- Over Speeding Report
- Over Stoppage Report
- Battery Backup
- Root play back
- Distance Calculator
- Alert
- Anti Theft Mode
Growing Profits
The Blackbox keeps check on Time Wastage, Rash Driving, Overloading, Fuel Theft, Delivery of Goods on time etc.Which have a direct bearing on the Profit of the Business and safety of Goods / Vehicles.
Fuel Theft
We have developed highly Sensitive Fuel Monitoring System, to put a check on Fuel Theft, by monitoring Fuel Level of the tank of vehicle at any given time, any Refill into the tank or Unauthorised removal of Fuel of the tank, can always be monitored, thereby having check and Growth on fuel pilferage.
Increases Driver Productivity
With Blackbox in vehicles, the Owner can keep an eye on the Drivers, driving habits and ensure no misuse of time. Further it also gives valuable insight on how owner can reduce Cost & Improve efficiency.
Safety of Vehicles / Staff / Passengers
You can keep a check on your Vehicles Speed throughout its journey.This would keep a check on Rash Driving, thereby reducing chances of Accident, hence it ensures the safety of the vehicle, its passengers and the staff.
Reduction in Maintainance Cost
Driving within specfic Speed limits will cause less wear & tear of parts and have long life of tyres, breaks, engine & engine oil. Less wear & tear means less time spent in Workshops & it saves more money.
Improve Customer Services
Timely & safe delivery of goods creates goodwill & ultimately bring more business. Owner can monitor each and every move of his vehicle.
Peace of Mind
To solve the various problems that have been plaguing the fleet owner for a long time, the Blackbox comes across as a complete vehicle Management Solution. Blackbox is an owner's eye of the vehicle and transfers it to your computer and mobile wherever and whenever at the touch of a button.
Why Choose Blackbox
A Product of Hi-Tecpoint Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Hi-Tecpoint Technologies (P) Ltd. is one of the pioneers since the field of GPS based Vehicle Tracking and Management solutions in India and has been doing R & D in this field since as early as 1999 when GPS based tracking was thought to be a thing of distant future.
We have placed our 1st generation of offline Vehicle Management System in the field back in year 2000 (At a time when others had not even conceived the idea yet) thus giving us more than 10 years of extensive field experience, which has enabled us to develop a highly sophisticated, most reliable and stable practical solution in the market today.Presently we are into our 4th generation of patented "Blackbox" Tracking System which makes use of GPRS communication for REAL TIME Tracking and Monitoring.
Research & Development (R & D)
To offer world-class technology that is relevant and affordable to the Indian as well as international customer is the philosophy that drives R&D at Hi-Tecpoint.
Our untiring efforts in the past couple of years have successfully translated this philosophy into a unique indigenous with local needs. Out R&D is not confined within walls. It extends to the test tracks as well. Rigorous tests are carried out under stringent simulated condition that replicate the most treacherous landscapes.
We, at Hi-Tecpoint thoroughly understand the fact that users may have different needs, so we have different solution for all such needs. We have a broad range of models to choose from and if that's not enough, we will provide you as per your specific needs.
24*7 Support Service
We offer unique Sport System WRYS (We Run Your System). This is a unique computerised and digitised after sale services support system to offer high uptime and minimum downtime. Also this premium support system in line with advanced technology has been our core value and major factor behind our success.
Patented Product
Blackbox is Patented Product by Government of India.
Special strategic alliances
We have special strategic alliances with Airtel and other leading cellular operators provide special support and privileges to our customers thus making it extremely easy and economical for them when it comes to make use of GPRS data link for real time Tracking.
Google Partners
We are authorized Google Partners for mapping solutions which allow us to make use of Google's latest maps for tracking purpose those are continuously updated and improved by global gaint Google.
Customized solutions
Having our own R & D and software development departments we provide customized solutions to meet any customer's specific requirements within shortest possible time frame.
Maximum feature at Minimum Cost
This product has been designed with 'N' numbers of features depending upon customer need and requirement and is at a minimum cost.
Blackbox Demo
Learn more about Blackbox
How it works
Speed / Distance Travelled
Fuel Monitoring System
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One Device... Multiple Benefits....

Whether you have 1 vehicle or 100, we at Hitecpoint is one of the top GPS tracking system in India have the affordable GPRS tracking, GPS tracking, Vehicle Tracking System, fleet management system tracking package and also have BLACK BOX a patented products for you. Find the one of that works for you and your business well.

GPS Blackbox Tracking ; Not Scary at All "The Blackbox™ - vehicle Management System has not only put a check on vehicle Management System has -
GPS Blackbox Tracking ; Not Scary at All "The Blackbox™ - vehicle Management System has not only put a check on vehicle Management System has